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Senin, 13 Februari 2012

Nah mumpung sempet buka blog sebentar, aku boleh dong kasih nasihat kalo kita harus selalu bersyukur selagi masih bisa ! (terinspirasi dari sebuah blog luar biasa) Nah berikut beberapa hal yang sudah pasti harus kita hargai setiap harinya tak terkecuali siapapun :

  1. 'Cause we are still breathing
  2. We can still change our life better than before
  3. We have God who loves us always and forever
  4. We have people to take care us and feel our presence
  5. We have been on this world
  6. We can feel this world and feel many feeling (happy or sad and anything)
  7. We have people to be admired
  8. We still have our life until now
  9. And many experiences that we have got
  10. Also other amazing things

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