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Kamis, 17 Mei 2012

Justin Bibir - Ubi Cilembu

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Kamis, 10 Mei 2012

My School Memorable Experiences

            Plasma competition has been a tradition in Regina Pacis. Plasma competition stands for research training and competition for high school students. This competition is an annual event which is hold by the student research unit at Atma Jaya Catholic University. 

            Every year, this event trains a big number of high school students from numerous schools in Jabodetabek, Indonesia and then holds a research competition where Regina Pacis was the winner of this competition last year. Last year, Regina Pacis had only sent 2 groups for this competition, but this year Regina Pacis was sent 3 groups to this Atma Jaya Chatolic University. Every group consisted of three people and one of them was come from the tenth-grade student in Regina Pacis Senior High School. His name is Michael Loenardi.
              He was new competitor in Plasma competition and he was very happy because of that new experience. Other contestant from Regina Pacis also feels happy liked Loenardi. She is the eleventh-grade student named Chaterine. She said that she was very happy because she could know about the theory of research until the implementation of the research and during the research process, she could meet many new people, could get new experiences, and could start to think critically. When she did the presentation, she also felt that she had to be brave. So, all of them had been a lesson for her.

First group from my school, they are Michael Loenardi (Left) ,Shellyana Cindy (Center) ,Cynthia(Right)

               Beside of those things, not unexpectedly, this year’s event was bigger than last year. Atma Jaya had more sponsors, bigger prizes, and more participants this year. The same thing is about the time table for the whole event. It wasn’t much different than last year.
               This event was still celebrated in 3 times of meeting. First meeting was held for seminar and technical meeting, second meeting for presentation, and the last meeting for other seminar and announcement of the winners, but one rule of this competition was different than last year. Last year, every participant had their turns for presentation, but this year the teams would be divided into two blocks, so two teams would present at the same time, each in the different rooms.

               Unfortunately in this bigger event, Regina Pacis couldn’t be the winner again this year. They only could be included in the eight winners. It was a bad experience for them, but this failure can break their spirit. They want to follow this competition again next year. This failure will be a lesson to be better next time. So keep fighting, be better, and do not despair!

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Selasa, 08 Mei 2012

Fakta Teh Hijau :D

     Teh hijau memang sudah diyakini memiliki banyak manfaat bagi kesehatan. Selain kaya antioksidan, beberapa penelitian menunjukkan jika teh hijau mampu menurunkan berat badan bagi penikmatnya. Tapi, beberapa fakta tentang teh hijau berikut ini perlu Anda ketahui :

1. Tentang bagaimana dan cara anda meminumnya :
    * Miliki kesegarannya
         Menyeduh teh hijau yang segar memang sehat dan baik untuk tubuh. Anda boleh menikmatinya panas atau dingin, tapi anda harus pastikan bahwa teh tersebut tidak disimpan lebih dari satu jam. Sebaiknya menghindari minum teh hijau saat sangat panas, karena bisa menyebabkan kanker tenggorokan. Jika Anda menyimpan teh dalam waktu yang lama, teh bisa kehilangan kandungan vitamin dan antioksidannya. Selain itu, sifat anti-bakterinya juga akan berkurang, bahkan teh akan menyimpan banyak bakteri jika dibiarkan terlalu lama. Jadi, segera meminumnya untuk menghindari efek samping bagi tubuh.
   * Satu jam sebelum makan
     Orang yang diet suka minum teh hijau sebelum makan, karena teh hijau bermanfaat menurunkan berat badan. Teh hijau dapat mengontrol nafsu makan untuk waktu yang cukup lama. Waktu yang ideal untuk meminum teh hijau adalah satu jam sebelum atau setelah makan. Hal ini karena teh hijau mengandung kafein yang mengontrol nafsu makan. Jadi, jika diminum satu jam sebelum makan, teh hijau dapat mengendalikan rasa lapar. Jika ingin menghindari cemilan berat di sore hari, minum teh hijau dengan biskuit rendah lemak. Hindari minum teh hijau di pagi hari, terutama pada perut kosong.
   * Jangan digabung dengan obat
    Untuk menghindari efek samping dari obat-obatan dan teh hijau, jangan pernah mengonsumsi keduanya bersamaan.

2. Tentang efek samping:
     Teh hijau yang sangat pekat mengandung kafein dan polifenol yang tinggi. Bahan-bahan dalam teh hijau memiliki efek samping pada tubuh. Teh hijau yang kuat atau pekat dapat menyebabkan gangguan pencernaan, sulit tidur, tekanan darah tinggi bahkan jantung berdebar.

3. Tentang porsinya:

     Sudah dijelaskan sebelumnya, mengonsumsi teh hijau secara berlebihan akan memicu efek samping. Meminumnya lebih dari 2-3 cangkir teh hijau dapat membahayakan tubuh Anda, karena teh hijau mengandung kafein. Maka ditetapkanlah bahwa kita minum teh hijau hanya boleh maksimal 3 cangkir saja setiap hari.

Sumber :Yahoo dengan pengubahan seperlunya...

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